Upcoming Events

21st Century Soul Winning Seminar - Saturday, February 1st from 3:00-6:00 p.m. Please register at operationgointernational.com 

Guest Speaker - Sunday, February 2nd Evangelist Bryan Treadway will be with us all day.

Pastor's Fellowship - Tuesday, February 4th Beginning at 9:30 a.m. in the fellowship hall.

Theme Preaching - Sunday, February 9th Jared Bowen will be preaching on this year's theme in the evening service.

Serving Saints - Thursday, February 13th at noon in the church auditorium. 

Annual Business Meeting - Sunday, February 16th after the evening service.

Ladies Fellowship Luncheon - Tuesday, February 18th Please see Lucy Dunlop for any questions you may have.

Ladies' Craft Night - Thursday, February 20th at 6:30 p.m. Please sign up at the information table if you are interested in attending. You can only sign up for ONE class.

Silver Saints Dinner Party - Saturday, February 22nd. More details to come.


Thank You!

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