Senior Pastor
Pastor Steve (Sharon) Smail joined the staff at Lighthouse Baptist Church in August of 2005. He served as our Associate Pastor, Youth Pastor, and Director of the Bus and Visitation Ministries. He also oversaw the Jail and Juvenile Home Ministries. Pastor Smail grew up in a pastor’s home, so his humble beginnings gave him much experience as to the inner workings of a local New Testament Church. He has a great burden for people, for his ministry, and for his love of the Lord, which his testimony and actions give witness to. In February of 2014, our Senior Pastor, Dr. Jerry L. Bowen, resigned and moved back to California due to health reasons. In March of 2014, the members of the Church voted to elect Pastor Steve Smail as the Senior Pastor of Lighthouse Baptist Church. With full service schedules on Sundays and on Wednesday nights and with our current support of 32 missionaries around the world as well as local ministries operating throughout the week, Pastor Smail continues to follow the Lord’s will, which is to, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” (Matthew 28:19)
Assistant Pastor

Bro. Scott (Pam) Fenner joined the staff at Lighthouse Baptist Church in May of 2003 as the Assistant to the Pastor on a part-time basis. He worked as the Principal of Lighthouse Baptist Academy (LBA) as well as oversaw the many annual activities. Upon going full-time in November of 2003, LBA became his main focus, while still maintaining his other areas of service. Currently, he oversees the Academy and teaches the Adult Sunday School Class.